SBH 2020年的毕业典礼

Celebrating 5 Years


Whole Word Institute FOUNDATION-INSTITUTE FOR BIBLICAL LANGUAGES & TRANSLATION’S 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Dr. David Swarr shares from his heart about Whole Word Institute–Whole Word Institute’s five year anniversary. REJOICE Read the new annual report to see...
Preparing the Good Soil


WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW? Dear friends of the Whole Word Institute-Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation,He is risen! It happened three days after the Passover ‘seder’ and the crucifixion of the sacrificial lamb. Yet, Jesus’ followers were still torn between...
Jerusalem Update


  SHALOM ALEICHEM Dear friends of the Whole Word Institute-Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation, During the life-changing events of the past weeks our team has taken time to wait upon the Lord and hear what He is saying to us. Even before Israel began...
Translation Consulting  & Oral Bible Translation


耶路撒冷暑期课程 翻译咨询和口述圣经翻译模块现在可以在耶路撒冷作为独立的证书课程。虽然这些课程是作为圣经希伯来语和翻译咨询硕士课程的一部分提供的,但它们现在也可以作为独立证书课程。