Ricki Gidoomal
Executive Vice President, Academic & Partner Services, Whole Word Institute Catalyst for Orality, Lausanne Movement

Ricki Gidoomal serves as Executive Vice President, Academic & Partner Services of Whole Word Institute. He also serves the Lausanne Movement as Catalyst for Orality, and was a co-author and film producer of Master Storyteller: God’s Oral Communication in the Bible & Hebrew Tradition (COS/Lausanne).

He graduated from the University of Oxford with an MA (Oxon) in Russian & Linguistics and has extensive experience in business, communications & marketing, running marketing & translation agencies that served several multinational companies and NGOs.

Ricki grew up in the UK and has lived, worked and ministered in English, Russian, Spanish & Hebrew contexts. Currently Ricki and his wife live in Israel. They have three children and co-lead a local congregation.