Masters programs in Classical Hebrew & Translation Consulting

 Whole Word Institute trains full Bible translators and translation consultants. The Masters in Classical Hebrew & Translation Consulting combines biblical languages and consultant training with field experience to equip global translation teams with qualified consultants. Optional specializations (Hebrew Teaching, Oral Bible Translation, Deaf Bible Translation) provide foundations for the multiplication of translators and consultants around the world and in oral and Deaf communities.

Deaf Bible Translation

Oral Bible Translation

Why is consultant
training important?

A translation team normally works on one translation. A trained consultant can oversee multiple translation projects at the same time. Working from the biblical source language enhances understanding, improves accuracy, and accelerates the speed of translating the full Bible into people’s heart languages. Many of the translators that go through this specialized program will become consultants within just 2 years. 

“National organizations across the globe have wrestled with the challenge of developing translation consultants for Bible translation in their country. Few such organizations have the resources within themselves for translation consultant development at a pace to address the 2033 All Access Goals. Though there is general agreement that the Old Testament is foundational for understanding Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom and building sustained disciple-making movements, only 9% of the world’s languages have a full Bible. With as many as 4,000 languages that might need Old Testament translation, there is a critical need to build capacity for Old Testament translation. One estimate is that an additional 10,000 translators and 2,000 consultants will be needed to meet the Old Testament need. In this project with Whole Word Institute, Wycliffe USA and multiple other organizations are collaborating on a faster, cheaper, and better means of translation consultant development through two MA programs: a one-year MA in Biblical Hebrew and a two-year MA in Biblical Hebrew and Translation Consulting.”

–Ken Schmitt, Sr. Advisor for Special Projects, Wycliffe

“I just want to thank you all again for the chance that you gave me to study Hebrew in Jerusalem. These studies still benefit me every day of my work. In February, I was approved as a translation consultant. Now I just finished my first checking session without a mentor. In September, I will help teach during a workshop on how to translate the Psalms and then I will check the book of Psalms for two projects. My time at Whole Word Institute has given me a good foundation to dig deeper into the treasures of Hebrew.”

–Pnina פנינה