Modular Language Intensives

Field Internships

Internet Courses



Global Online Learning

Whole Word Institute connects its Jerusalem-based Hebrew program to translators around the globe, by “taking Jerusalem to the world”. Employing specialized source language learning techniques in this extension program, leaders are equipped with source language training even in remote areas of the world.

The combination of our residential program in Jerusalem and the Hebrew Extension Learning Program (HELP) is designed to meet biblical source language training needs of the worldwide Bible Translation movement, regardless of circumstance. It is uniquely positioned to serve indigenous translators & consultants.

Within the first year, 115 people from 23 nations representing 12 global partners were trained through the extension program.

“The global pandemic brought uncertainty to all of us in the Bible translation movement. What would come of current projects? How would we continue to train internationally when face-to-face contact was halted? During this time, Whole Word Institute was a model for how to adapt to changing times. As they moved from in-person training in Israel to a regional, mostly virtual model of training, they proved that the mission can move forward.”

– Andy Keener, Executive VP for Partnerships, Wycliffe

In April 2021, Whole Word Institute launched the Hebrew Extension Course with a pilot cohort of 53 participants from 11 Bible Translation Agencies from 9 countries in the Asia-Pacific Area! This two-year program has removed the barrier of distance, visa issues and cost during this pandemic. The Asia-Pacific Area Leadership Team seeks to expand our collaboration in other areas like Oral Bible Translation.”

Simon Wan Asia-Pacific Area Director Wycliffe Global Alliance

“I have loved tuning into the class each day, to watch students actively engaging with complex material. It has been an incredible achievement for the instructors (in USA, Asia, Europe and Africa) to run a multi-lingual online program that includes mainstream participation of Deaf students. For me, the highlight has been seeing the integration and interaction of the Deaf students in the class– the online format has enhanced participation.”

–Ricki Gidoomal ריקי‭ ‬גידומל, Chief Operating & Academic Administration Officer, Whole Word Institute