Hope Does Not Disappoint

फरवरी 2, 2022 | Latest News

Hope Does Not Disappoint 

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  
– Hebrews 10:23 

Shalom from the Land of the Bible!

God is doing incredible things to bring about His purposes, even amid great obstacles. None of us could have predicted the challenges we would encounter over the last two years as we move forward in the work God has laid on our hearts—to make the whole Word of God accessible to the whole world by equipping men and women near and far for the service of full Bible translation.

The growth of our online extension program has enabled us to continue in that central task. Over the last two years, God has done more than we could imagine. Through growing partnerships, the extension program has allowed biblical Hebrew training around the world, and in areas with the most need for the full Bible.

With ever-changing travel restrictions, the hope of bringing students together under one roof has seemed impossible. But He who promised is faithful, and the first residential program in two years has started—hallelujah! Our staff has been working hard to secure flights and obtain visas so that the next cohort of students can reach Jerusalem.

Even with slower processing of visas, and the delays of quarantine, we have been amazed at the mountains God has moved for these translators and consultants in training, many of whom have made great personal sacrifices to be a part of this work. It truly is a joy to see these students around the campus again.

Here is a look at our center in Jerusalem as more individuals arrive in Jerusalem.

Sawyer and Kara were the first to arrive in the fall, 9 months pregnant, and baby Mercy was born in Jerusalem. 

Last week we had the privilege of hosting a study tour from Wycliffe Australia. Whole Word Institute students who were just arriving shared a Shabbat dinner with the Wycliffe group. Pastor Shmuel Birnbaum explained the background and meaning of Shabbat and gave blessings in Hebrew while Sharon, his daughter and an Whole Word Institute instructor, translated. 


Among the visitors from Wycliffe Australia was Sarah, a Bible Translation Consultant with Wycliffe Philippines. Sarah is a sister of Margie, a graduate of the School of Biblical Hebrew at Whole Word Institute. Margie is now a Bible Translation Consultant with SIL Philippines, and both sisters are working as consultants with written and oral translation projects to make the full Bible available to people groups in the Philippines. Sarah is here with Tim King, VP Operations, Whole Word Institute.

 Ndamnsa Fai Christien from Cameroon shares his heart for full Bible translation, and how the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic gave him further incentive to learn Hebrew and become a translation consultant.

The Lord is always working on our behalf in so many ways that we don’t see. So, we look forward to this new year with great hope in our hearts. Having already experienced so much of the Lord’s provision in these first few weeks, we rest assured that our hope in Him will never be disappointed.

Please join us in prayer for… 

  • The continued processing of visas and entry permits for incoming students
  • The safe travel of a student from Tonga who is on her way to join us 
  • For health of all students and staff at Whole Word Institute during record numbers of omicron infection in Israel

Thank you for your faithful partnership as we work together toward the goal of the whole Word for the whole world.

The Whole Word Institute Team
The whole Word for the whole world







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