He Makes All Things Good

अगस्त 19, 2021 | Latest News

He Makes All Things Good

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28 KJV

God takes what could be a handicap and turns it into an asset as we look to Him. Valerii is from Moscow and is Deaf. He ministers to the Deaf community by bringing the Word of God to those who cannot hear. The majority cannot read. After Valerii became a Believer he understood that God had made him Deaf for a purpose. Now he is one of three Deaf students learning Hebrew through the Hebrew Extension Program in order to translate and teach the Old Testament to their people groups.

114 students enrolled in the Hebrew Extension Program, representing 24 nations and 12 different translation agencies. In the Indonesia cohort alone, translators are preparing to translate the Old Testament into 38 languages. Before the pandemic we had begun the planning and preparation for extension and online learning. We knew that in order to reach many of the people who are still without the whole Bible we had to broaden the reach of our programs. But we didn’t perceive what God knew! He knew this program would not only be needed but be absolutely necessary to advance the whole Word of God to the nations and languages that need it most.    

Through His grace, we are committed to responding to the task ahead of us— enabling God’s story to be understood in all languages. It takes tremendous partnership across the globe with donors, translation agencies, church networks, teachers, curriculum developers, composers, designers, technicians, and especially translators.

In January 2022, an additional 20 translators will come to Jerusalem for the accelerated residential program. They represent 13 translation agencies and 14 nations. Four of these students are Deaf.

We are so aware that the need for the good news of God’s Word is ever increasing and we desire your prayers and support. Please pray with us for more laborers to join the team as together we advance toward the goal of the whole Word for the whole world.

Together in His Service,


David Swarr PhD
Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation
A program of Whole Word Institute
The whole Word for the whole world



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Digital Annual Report: Foundation for Multiplication




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