Annual Report 2020: Foundation for Multiplication

मार्च 26, 2021 | Latest News, Press Releases

Shalom! I am writing with enthusiasm as I share with you our completed digital Annual Report 2020: Foundation for Multiplication. This is a special report—As 2020 marked the 5-year anniversary of Whole Word Institute, we are sharing many videos, pictures, and written testimonies that show the Lord’s faithfulness and the new paths He created to make His full Word accessible to the whole world.

Foundation for Multiplication is an interactive digital report, full of media from student translators, partners, and our Board & leadership. Scroll through and don’t miss these amazing stories and testimonies!

We are approaching both the biblical feast of Passover and Resurrection week—what an appropriate time to remember God’s provision and miracles. As we look at the story of the Passover and the Exodus, God’s redemption of His people from slavery, we are so thankful to understand that the fullness of this story shows an even greater redemption in Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb. We continue to pray for those around the world who have yet to know the freedom and hope that He gives through His whole story.

Thank you for being partners with us as we celebrate the hope of Resurrection, and work to accelerate access to the whole Bible, whether written, oral, or signed.

With you in His service,



David Swarr, PhD

Institute for Biblical Languages & Translation
A program of Whole Word Institute
The whole Word for the whole world


Your faithful service helps bring the whole Word to the whole world


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