Shavuot and Pentecost Celebration in Jerusalem

Shavuot and Pentecost Celebration in Jerusalem

The First Fruits of the Word Whole Word Institute staff and students joined leaders who came from around the world to Jerusalem on Pentecost for a special consultation. Here at the Garden Tomb they shared a time of worship, celebrating the giving of the Word and of...
Annual Report 2021: Ask of Me

Annual Report 2021: Ask of Me

Shalom! We are excited to share with you our Annual Report 2021—Ask of Me: The Ripple Effect of the Word. This is a digital flipbook with a few videos, so we encourage you to view it on full screen. You won’t want to miss some of these highlights: A video on the need...
For a Time Such as This

For a Time Such as This

The hope of God’s full story Today we are reminded of the biblical story of a young woman who stood in the gap for her people. At great risk to herself, she stepped into the position God placed her in at such a time and acted on behalf of a nation that could not...
Snow in Jerusalem

Snow in Jerusalem

Shalom! We want to share a special moment with you. Last week the first students arrived in the Land of the Bible for the residential Hebrew immersive program, and they were welcomed with a joyful surprise. Snowfall in Jerusalem is a unique event, and for some of the...
Hope Does Not Disappoint

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Hope Does Not Disappoint  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.   – Hebrews 10:23  Shalom from the Land of the Bible! God is doing incredible things to bring about His purposes, even amid great obstacles. None of us...