Join us as we form a three-fold cord that will enable transformation of generations to come as the Word of truth illuminates the darkness.


    Our partner, Wycliffe USA, has committed to double any gift toward the cost of translators’ training in biblical Hebrew.  

    Two-thirds of the cost for these students to learn to translate the whole Bible has already been committed. 
    We are asking you to help them with the remaining 33%.  

    When you give, your gift will be doubled—not matched but doubled! For every $1 you give, $2 is contributed. 

    $50 given becomes $150
    $200 given becomes $600
    $1,000 given becomes $3,000 

    *All funds raised beyond this goal will be used for additional student scholarships. 


     for each translator

    This amount will fund the entire cost for one student translator (visas, room/board, transportation, field trips and classroom instruction) to be trained in biblical Hebrew and translation for multiple languages.  


    FOR FIVE students

    This is the total year-end goal that will provide full scholarship funding for five student translators.
    Give by credit card / bank transfer

    Give by check


    Fill in your details below so that we can match your pledge to your donation

    Please submit the form below and send any checks to:

    The Whole Word Institute
    P.O. Box 23027
    Richmond, VA, 23223

    Checks should be made payable to: Whole Word Institute

    Fill in your details below so that we can match your pledge to your donation

    Please submit the form below and send any checks to:

    Whole Word Institute
    P.O. Box 23027
    Richmond, VA, 23223

    Checks should be made payable to: Whole Word Institute

    Give through NCF
    Whole Word Institute is a registered Single Charity Fund at National Christian Foundation (NCF).

    Click below to donate through your account.

    This contribution is made with the understanding that Whole Word Institute has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.

    If Whole Word Institute can not honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.